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Sunday School

Sundays at 11:00 am 

Sunday School is open to all students up to the age of 20.  They are familiarized with our textbooks, the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.  They learn the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer.  These teachings support their desire to feel God’s presence and to apply this understanding to any challenges.

Children's Room

Loving childcare is provided in our children’s room at all of our in-person services and meetings for those too young to attend Sunday School.

Summer Camp

There are six Christian Science summer camps in the United States and Canada where kids and teens can spend the summer participating in various camp activities, trips and team building while deepening their relationship with and understanding of God.

If you would like to sponsor Austin Sunday School students attending summer camp, click the donate button below and specify that you would like your donation to go in the Campership Fund.

TMC Resources for Youth

The Mother Church (TMC) in Boston offers many resources for Sunday-School aged youth and young adults. TeenConnect is a great resource to read inspiring testimonies of healing from young people all over the world.


Thank you for supporting our church!